Corey L. Richards lives in a fun, family-friendly suburban neighborhood in Chesterfield, Michigan. Just when she felt like she had everything, life took an unexpected turn. Struggling to make sense of her new painful reality, Corey found solace by nurturing her relationship with God through prayer. Immediately comforted, Corey knew she needed to ensure that her children—all children—grow up with that same ability to trust God and understand that prayers are powerful and effective.
These days, Corey relishes time with her children, instilling them with a competitive spirit for board games and cards. Sadly, she falls woefully short at playing pretend or building anything impressive with blocks. Beyond playing games, the family enjoys going for walks, being outdoors, and indulging in anything sweet. Corey dreams of the day her family lives on plenty of acres where the sound of wildlife is more prevalent than cars and where nature provides a constant reminder of God’s blessings. Two of her favorite Bible verses are Philippians 4:6 and Hebrews 11:1. Corey recently graduated from The George Washington Law School, finally giving her free time to do just about anything.
But First, Let’s Say Our Prayers: Learning to Pray Before Bed is her debut book.